Monday, January 16, 2012

The List of SIX

"Make a list of SIX things to do today. Just SIX. Pick out the SIX most important things you have to get done."  While I was a Mary Kay Cosmetics consultant I heard that phrase, or variations of it, over and over again. The founder, Mary Kay Ash, was a highly respected, world-renowned businesswoman, as well as a wonderful Christian example.  She discovered that if you chose just SIX things a day to get accomplished you could get so much more done in the overall picture of things. Slow and steady.

A list of SIX things to do is not an overwhelming list, just large enough to help budget time. Mary Kay recognized that getting things done was important but finishing the list was not the priority. Writing down the main SIX things gave focus but still left some breathing room for busy ladies who would no doubt encounter unforeseen interruptions. Life is that way. We make plans and they get way-laid. She saw interruptions in the plan as life opportunities. She keenly recognized opportunities for business as well as for people everywhere she went. She was a lady of action and always wondered what SHE could do to make things better. She made herself available to the solution. She was a woman that used her time wisely but knew that the list of SIX took a back seat to engaging the opportunity.

Sure, we can make our lists but we should always be open to explore the endless opportunities disguised as interruptions. They are there for a reason.

So be very careful how you live. Live wisely, not like fools. I mean that you should use every opportunity you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So don’t be foolish with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do.  (Easy-To-Read version)

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